Environment while others are just product-related. To best optimize edge-based workloads we will take lessons learned from serverless computing and add to them. The benefit of deploying serverless functions globally is that your end users no matter where they are located have the opportunity to have their requests processed in a data center close to them. have their request for a web page processed in Tokyo instead of Los Angeles. Beyond that you've probably already been exposed to edge computing albeit in a limited way. A content delivery network is a method of caching content in various data centers. Edge computing is taking this idea and applying it .
To business logic. Edge Computing Consid photo editing servies erations Assuming you already have scaling considerations in mind, you may be wondering what other challenges may exist with these new edge deployments. For some applications, there are no additional challenges, such as static sites, which are great use cases for edge capabilities. Your pages can be generated at build or deploy time and then served at the edge, reducing latency and increasing reliability. However there is an obvious drawback for data driven applications if your business logic is at the edge it still needs to communicate with the database at the center. The graph shows that the server takes a long time to communicate with the remote database.

The diagram shows the server communicating quickly with nearby databases. At least one global data store is critical for good performance where data is accessed globally. Fortunately there are already a lot of good solutions and more are being developed. Mid-range cloud providers can choose from their products such as global tables and global databases but there are also some database-specific companies that offer multi-region capabilities. A large database is Decomposed into multiple smaller databases that communicate with each other. Companies like Microsoft and Microsoft are great options for taking data and replicating it to multiple regions to improve performance. But you should still be aware of the trade-.