In this new normal, you will benefit from being able to get in front of these customers while they are researching, working, and interacting online throughout their day. You can accomplish this through organic social content and paid advertising. Creating bite sized video content for these platforms that peaks interest about your product or service will allow your customer to see what you offer and how it may apply to them. This creates awareness and can lead customers into a buyer’s journey. Keep in mind that generally speaking, only 3-5% of potential customers.
Are actively looking for a solution to a problem. The remaining 95-97% of potential customers are essentially waiting for a reason to enter into a buyer’s journey. If you create the right content and get it in front of the right people, you are no longer battling the competition philippines photo editor for crumbs, you are pulling in prospects that aren’t even aware your competition exists. One of a series of FAQ videos we shot for our friends at Exterior Medics Step two: Allow your customer to identify you as a potential solution to their problems.

After identifying that you may be able to help them with a problem they will be inclined to do a bit more investigating. Now is when a well placed product or service overview video can provide a taste of what you do to bring value to people like them. This video is designed to be easy to digest, highly relevant, and full of useful information for your customer about how your solution makes their life better. After a potential customer views your overview video they should leave with a feeling that what you have to offer is a good fit for them assuming it is.