The peculiarity of Telegram is that people often subscribe to many thematic channels, but read only a few of them. Then many channels are archived or work with notifications turned off. How to avoid such problems with content for commercial accounts is described in detail in module 3 of the “Promotion in Telegram” course. This means that you will have to work with content, if not daily, then at least with high quality. He should be interesting, he should be expected. If you post only a photo of a product with a price and a call to action, it will be difficult to promote a product business in the Telegram channel.
Telegram has enough tools to create a full-fledged online store; there are examples of successful product businesses. But there is an important nuance here: an online store in the messenger is successful when visitors enter it through a sales funnel in a telegram channel, social networks Web Development Services or on the website. Let's look a little further at the funnel. Advantages of selling in Telegram Advantages of selling services/products in Telegram: High loading speed. There is no complex design or layout, which has a positive effect on the speed of opening catalogs with goods or services. All you have to do is open the bot, select the necessary commands and pay for the order without leaving the messenger.

Fast customer service. Chatbots work according to a clear algorithm, which is customized depending on the needs of the business. The bot will solve any typical problems on its own, relieving the support service, and only in difficult cases will it redirect to a human operator. Availability and relevance. Telegram is easy to install on any device, and statistics show that the Russian-speaking audience of the messenger is growing rapidly. Automation. A Telegram bot will easily lead the client to a purchase - from greeting and offering a product to payment.