calendar organizes how you curate your content. We keep it simple and easy to understand. audience never hears the same message on all channels at the same time. For example, on your publish day, create 3-5 separate tweets to publish at different times. Social media content calendar Here, I post blog content to LinkedIn three times a day. These blog posts include items that were first published at least two months ago. This will maximize attention to your posts and increase the potential for traffic to your website. Our social media calendar is also tied to the best posts shared each month.
When Monina, a community manager, receives the top-performing posts for a particular month, she adds them to a spreadsheet because she wants to maximize the relevance of popular posts. Here you can Special Database assign specific dates in the next three months to ensure it plays on your calendar. Social Media - Best Performance - Schedule Suggestion: Several people at Lunch and Learn asked about the frequency of posting to each social channel. Trends change and should be continually tested, but this is how often we post. Twitter: once every hour Facebook: 3 times a day LinkedIn: 3 times a day Google Plus: twice a day Instagram: as needed create The next tactic for promoting your content is to create new content. you may be thinking. Do I need to create content to promote my existing content ”

While social media has traditionally been used to drive traffic to blogs, a relatively new trend is people reading content on social media itself. How are you taking advantage of this trend and promoting your blog Repurpose blog posts into social media content and link back to the original source. To do this, create assets in several formats. The visual is most likely a virus. Images get more attention in your newsfeed, and you can share them more than any other type of content. Images get more attention in your newsfeed and can be shared more than other types of content. MicheleLinn Click to Tweet For example, pick some quotes from a blog post (or Joe Pulizzi's book) and turn them into graphic quotes. One case: Graphic-Quote-Example Quotes are more effective than including the blog title in the image. For example, tweet the