Great content is subjective, so Google has to come up with user signals to know what's "good." For example, if I wanted to know what the best minimalist coffee tables are, the first link I click on should tell me exactly that. Google search results for best minimalist coffee table The first article should be so informative that I either click However, if I open the first article, and then click back and click on another article.
Google gets a signal that the first article did not give me what I was looking for sending a negative signal to the first ranking article. This then makes Google question if it should prioritize a different article to be in the first spot. Pogo phone number list sticking in SEO Bouncing between articles is known as “pogo sticking,” and it can seriously hurt an article's ability to out rank other blog posts. This is why ending the search journey is important.

You need to create a blog post so good that it gives a reader everything they need to know about the keyword you are going after. You want someone to Google something, click on your article, and then stop and create a new action. You don’t want someone to click on your article, then click the back button on their browser and look for a different article. Okay, but let’s say you understand this and you create a great piece of content that you think does a better job at explaining a topic than any other blog post on the first page of Google.