Make your first email as captivating as possible One of the primary challenges of making email marketing work is that you need to inspire action after someone subscribes to your list. Low open rates are common, so email marketing has become something of a numbers game. However, there is one email that gets the most attention and often gets opened immediately—the welcome email. Depending on the situation, an average open rate is about 30 percent, although it can be as high as 50 or 70 percent, depending on the value of that email.
Basically, you need to create an automatic welcome email that gives your new subscriber a sense of what to expect. You can also include a few links or survey responses to help you with curation (more on that next). No matter what, you only get on chance to send Algeria WhatsApp Number a welcome email, so treat it as a valuable piece of content. Curate your email list from the beginning Realistically, everyone on your email list wants something unique from your business. while others want content and insight. So, if you send the same emails to everyone on the list, you’ll dilute the amount of engagement. Instead, it’s better to segment and curate your list from the beginning. For example, if someone subscribes from a particular landing page, they can go on a list.

Similarly, clicking a link or button in the welcome email can put them on a separate list. Because email lists can get overwhelming quickly, you need to automate curation as much as possible. By doing this from the beginning, managing your segments more effectively is much easier. Tailor content for each segment of your list Segmenting your subscribers enables you to improve your open and click rates as long as you customize the content each list receives. While creating multiple content pieces for each segment can take longer, the ROI is much higher overall. Also, keep in mind that some subscribers may be on multiple lists, so it doesn’t make sense to send them the same content each time. Otherwise, they’re more likely to unsubscribe altogether.